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look at the HP bar, I have found the exit to a shortcut, now I need the entrance

(3 edits) (+1)

It was good. very good. and these are my tips.

find the secret room:meet sleepy aqua. and find blue curtain. and jump.

find Poyoyo : Go to Miteiru room. and Find blue cobblestone(right side).

Playable character:kill Noel as Aqua skill

Defeat Aqua:kill Aqua as Marine skill

Good ending:kill Miko as Noel

Find Miko:Be focus to it's wind. Run in the opposite direction of the wind getting rid of all the mobs.

And Ayame, Miko was very exciting. Ayame's attack pattern is various so I love ayame. Miko also make me angry which makes me be focus to game. Sui-chan's stella stella and gold axe was interesting but It was not exciting rather than two members.

and I found a little bug. In 2nd stage, when I jump forward and go inside, All reseted

and When I played as Noel, There was no Aqua in 3rd stage. (Not sleepy Aqua) All candles were lighted up. Is it bug too?


you can't charge shot so the candles section prob had to be removed

How can you play noel in the first stage I've finished the true ending

Get noel and go to 1st stage

(1 edit) (+1)

It seems to be a bug using noel after beated polka, would be stuck at the corridor and wont load boss miko


ok i figure out what's happening. Not a bug, just follow the wind.

And btw I also finish the good end. What a great game~

im at the final level and all i've been doing is walking for the past 3 hours can ssomeone explain please


you gotta go back and forth looking for enemies to kill

(1 edit)

I got stuck, Do I need to download it to continue playing? I just got the ammo and well, going nowhere.

Forget It, I did it! Nice game

the only achievements I have left are 5 minutes vesta and surviving a minute versus Noel, still looking for that shortcut you mentioned!

(1 edit)

This game is superb! Just finished it. Got the bad ending lol. Gonna try again for the good ending.

Is there anyway to enable fullscreen on the download version. The option is available on the web version, but I don't see it in the download version.

you need to get two kills that don't seem possible to get good ending, thats all I'll say!

This game is amazing! Currently my favorite Hololive fangame and I hope you keep updating it! I would suggest adding a Boss Rush mode where we have all the items and only fight bosses one after another for an extreme challenge!

Also don't listen to the people saying to change Ayame's fight, it's brilliant, a fight that teaches you to stop mashing buttons and only attack on reaction to the bosses action, every movement is telegraphed so if you pay attention you can dodge all of them, totally my favorite fight in the game!

I agree, ayame really made me consider the pace at which I fought bosses, usually you control the tempo of the fight, but in Ayame and the good ending make the boss in control of combat.

P.S. a boss rush would be awesome!


need to add some coyote time


The game refuses to boot on Steam Deck through Proton for me. I have tested Proton 7.0-6, GE-Proton7-49, and Proton Experimental. Game plays fine through browser, though.

imma 100% this game, but if I can hardly beat ayame as is, how do i finish them with a refle... OH THAT LAST PHASE WHERE THEY SPAM MULTIDASH THEN PUT UP REFLECTOR AND REPEAT

beat ender dragon and got bad ending, now for 100%

whats secret room? also I got a crash when testing out hidden charged attack

i landed on the corner of stack boss's spikey segment and the game crashed

I realized if you spam bullets away you can bait a reflector and use it to kill Ayame

Also noel is a very fun character to play, final boss is a lot harder with them, also unlocking them tought me SWORDS ARE THE SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING

yay true ending!

future me here to saying Ayame has phases: they don't, they do more dashes in a row and react faster the lower HP they are, but don't have phases, and adapt their attacks to how many bullets you are firing. if you use mostly charged shots they do swords spin and grounded dash, if you fire little bullets they do diagonal dashes and spam reflectors in-between dashes


This is so funny! I like this game!




I went to BADEND and it was a very rewarding game. 

Also, the BGM changes for each scene, and it's wonderful that there are plenty of ingenuity that can be enjoyed over and over again, such as abilities that can only be obtained by playing.

 I will continue to do my best aiming for a GOOD END.

5 minutes last stage is so damn hard


there is a secret passage very few people have found that saves a lot of time

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

How do i switch back to flare after the good ending ?

Restart the game?


level 4 Good End too difficult 🤮



Just cleared the game 
Gotta say this is pretty impressive , as Hololive and Rockman/RockmanX fans this is like dream come true
Noel vs Flare is huge ref to X5 I love that

took  me over an hour to beat it my first time. got bad ending lol, gonna try again for a better ending . 10/10

How do I get the good ending? i finished the final stage and have no idea where to start on getting the true ending. 

Btw great game, some of the best megaman like content i've played.

Impressive game! I had fun. The Marine boss fight was a highlight for me, and I think Miko's face looks very funny furing the throne room fight. The segment with Aqua was also a neat and unexpected change of pace, and the final fight had a cool gimmick to it.

I have a few comments about things I think could be better, but feel free to disregard them. Just getting a game like this is cool already.

The true ending feels impossible to discover on your own, but is trivial to do once someone tells you. I would like if there were some pointers that made it more intuitive - I played through the last couple stages over again several times because I didn't know what to do. Similarly, the area with the wind in the final stage didn't feel that instinctive to me. I'm not sure what the solution is, but these parts are where I got stuck the most.

Some sort of victory fanfare/dance after the levels would be nice, as well as some sort of credits sequence.

I encountered an issue in the final stage - jumping on top of one of the cannons in the room with the open rooms let me jump on top of a castle wall out of screen, which meant I had to restart the level.

Fantastic game!

Is there any way to get Shiraken's icon in stage 5 after Miko's battle?

Had to make an account for this. 
Finished the game just now,  really fun game, for sure, more I played the more I was getting better at the combat (I think). 
I just have one question, is the final end supposed to be you playing as noel? (I assume so, since the hint comment you left for the other user), but like the last place was way too hard as Noel I won't lie, after using Flare and her multitude of abilities like double jump for one (the most important tool I feel that got taken away), plus a laggy charged attack for Noel made the ending stage feel so difficult to do, needing to die and get full HP from checkpoint respawn hard. I was legit questioning if it was right during the last fight because it just seemed so difficult lol. 

With Ayame, after a while I figured out her jumping flashes and parry sword flashes and can finally react after a while, but playing as Noel really sucked LOL, I don't know if that difficulty was intentional or not but that was like the biggest gripe I had with the game. 

The only other minority issue was ofc the restart from beginning of level if you messed up and cleared the end or smth and it wasn't what you wanted, so I feel like if you add even more shortcuts for mechanics the player has after beating the stage once (double jump, noel's unique dash), it would be so nice instead of having the trudge the entire stage again. I say this as a means to maybe help newer players to not get stuck as easily or trying to figure out what to do so it is merely a suggestion. 

Did not think I would get hooked on this game for like 5 hours straight lol, difficult challenge and it was a enjoyable time, the game's really good! 


Congrats for the release! The game's amazing!

Question tho, is this the final release? Or are you planning to add some extra features in the game later? (tbh i kinda want full 5 Shiraken members as skins)

Just finished the game! It was great! I love how polished the art is and the 8 bit music remixes fits very well. The controls are responsive, I especially love the slide jump tech on Noel.

I did not notice any bugs. I was stuck on several places (aqua candles, endless running, true end), though its satisfying once I figure it out.

The early platforming section in the final stage was hard, I felt like the axes were impossible to dodge sometimes.

On everything else, the difficulty is just right for me!  I was beating most bosses with around 20% hp left, while some of the harder bosses took 2-3 tries. Though note that I am a more experienced gamer, so mileage may vary.

Overall I loved the game! There are lots of cool bosses, and the gameplay changes up from time to time so I was never bored.

Looking forward to your next work!

(1 edit)

bro. how to pass the gate (with fire icons) after we met sleeping aqua?

You need to light up a candle with a fire charged attack.

(1 edit)

Thanks bro

just epic

Congratulations on the 1.0 release!

It's been a really fun time playing various versions of this game, and the challenges kept ramping up while also introducing new features, bosses and gameplay mechanics! Loved every minute of it!

Thanks for a very nice game!

I want to play the downloadable version with an Xbox controller, but it's not responding, and when I click on the controller in the config! What should I do? Sorry if there is an explanation somewhere!

I'm using DeepL

I'm at the part after polka boss fight and it seems like I am endlessly running? Is it bugged or am I missing something?

Also is there a way to continue from last checkpoint? I tried restarting but I'm now at the start of the stage again.

after the fight against polka you have to pay attention to the wind direction!

chekpoints reset when you restart a level o7

Ah gotcha, thanks!

I got bad end XD. Can you give a tip how to proceed?

hint for the true end "marine -> aqua -> noel"

Thanks! I figured it out.

(1 edit) (+3)

I had to make an account to comment on here, I do not use usually nor I play the web games, but the HoloLive ones are really fun, so I wanted to leave my thoughts here.

The game itself is beyond well-made, and saying so is an understatement to how much of a great game you have created here, it's fun, challenging and each stage is really unique (except some enemies which have same attack patterns, but they are still fun.)

Aqua's "boss" fight was kind of my favorite? It was scary, stressful and I didn't know I had to light the torches until late on.

Marine's fight was unique, but it was frustrating with the rocks that came and her dashes.

However, the most frustrating fight (and the one I left the game on until I can get a better headspace) is Ayame's, the best way to describe it is unfair, with two dashes and two defensive abilities, the roof dash is already too much, and it's really hard to dodge without her doing some other attacks before, the parry is unnecessary and just there for an annoying factor considering you can't even jump behind her most of the time before she dashes, I was watching a video to know how to fight her, and to know she leaves no reward makes me feel this battle is overcomplicated for no reason at all.

I would think it's an skill issue on my part, but after trying so much, it just gets nowhere, and was wondering if this boss could be revised on a future update? Right now it's impossible to get past her.

Regarding the special abilities... I have found no use to them besides Fire, Peko's rocket is too slow and idk if it's better than Fire, the pink girl's (I forgot her name, but it's on the Casino) power has not seen any use on my part, and Marine's is too niche, I tried it on Ayame but I can't make it work either.

The comment regarding special basic attacks for each power is honestly a good idea, as it would give the player more variety and not just "Spam X to attack until you beat the enemy / boss."

Regarding the video I mentioned earlier, I saw the person had some ice shield ability, but I never found it before and thus I guess it was deleted later on? Seemed really good for defense, which is what Flare lacks, I know Megaman didn't have these kind of abilities, AKA there's no healing, defense and for some reason the saves don't give you health (AFAIK), but I think it would be nice to have something defensive, or maybe make the slide useful besides platforming aspects.

I have much more to say, and while the game is fun, these boss fights have been frustrating (Including the weird Fubuki tower) so I honestly need a break right now.

Any help for Ayame would be greatly appreciated, as I can't for the life of me beat her at all on her current state and much less knowing there's zero reward to it.

Thank you for playing and for your detailed comment!

I'm glad to see that the aqua boss works well, the whole sequence is very inspired from the SA-X in metroid fusion.

The upcoming release will change a lot of things in terms of weapon balance and enemy life, I hope it will solve some of those frustrating moments. Also, sliding will allow you to avoid enemies which completely changes the pace of fights (Ayame's fight in particular)

The ice shield is still in the game, you were not far from unlocking it I think! Certain abilities are needed later to unlock specific parts of the game/beat specific bosses so even if they are very situational most of them are still used at some point

(2 edits)

Yes! Something told me that it was based on SA-X, I noticed it right off the bat and that was really amazing, def would be my favorite part of the game, followed by the boat fight!

I don't know if the ice shield was before Ayame but it definitely should be after a boss right? I supposed it was Fubuki-tower, but I was sure that I haven't lost anything so I wonder how the user who uploaded the video I watched got it-

And yes, I saw like, fire ability was used on Stage 3 mostly, and Marine's power can be used to fight enemies on an arc or even get through a shield.

I sadly haven't found out how to use the slide properly, as I haven't been able to dodge enemy attacks or enemies with it. 

EDIT: Noticed I had to do all stage all over again in order to get to Ayame, having a save data is really really good,  but doing Fubutora again (which from what I read here, seems like the spamming attack problem also can hurt one's fingers gkdspgd) was a bit bothersome.

Still tho, it was really fast to get there there this time, not just because I know how to get through, but also because I got up faster thanks to finding shortcuts with the double jump.

I also found a sheep and I suppose that's Watame, but it's an easter egg and plays no further role right?

Fought Ayame again a few times, still can't get through and sliding doesn't help me, should I wait for the update and not play until then, or do you suggest me to keep trying? fopkdsfpfd

EDIT2: Afer countless tries I beat her, i didn't even use the other abilities, just fire's charged shot, so zero spamming and all.

cool game!  i love it its just that i think i ddnt saved my progress 

One question this game has a virus is that my pc won't let me download it :(

me too

i cant get through the tunnel in stage three after lighting the candle :(

Pressing down and jump allows you to slide through the tunnel!


uhm how do i save....?

Progress is saved automatically! Unlocked stages, weapons and achievements are accessible in the save menu using the mouse.

oh thank you!


Gran juego

Awesome gameplay, awesome pixel art, awesome music, awesome game.


I got carpal tunnel because I thought I could survive fighting Noel. The game is still amazing though, I kinda wish there was a different button for charge and fire instead because rapidly tapping to shoot really hurts. I had to use Turbo mode on my controller just to beat Fubura Tower by spamming and time stopping just to shoot the head.

I loved this! The style was great! Though, The bullet hell aspects of some of the boss fights made it a little annoying. Enemies were designed great (though a healthbar would be a good addition) And maybe a tutorial sign in the first area, as i had to go back to the game page to see the controls. ALSO! It needs pause feature >_>. I like the way that you unlock the different projectiles! Its very unique and interesting. Maybe have each different projectile mode have a slightly different basic attack? Maybe even just a different texture. It would add a cool amount of depth to the attack system. Overall, a really fun game!!! Ill watch this with great interest :)

Thanks! I love the idea of slight differences for basic attacks! In the next update the slide will allow you to dodge attacks, which will make the bullet hell phases less frustrating. I'll think about a pause button (or maybe something automatic every time you open the menu)

cool!! Glad I could help :3

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