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Nice, that was fun! Beat it with Wife.

Not bad it's pretty fun, and a way to pass the time in school

Thanks for making this game, is one of the most fun games i have the pleasure to play. I'm a really big fan of your pixel art, is so gorgeous and i hope be able to reach your level! (Sorry if something doesn't make sense, my english is not the best)


Thank you for playing!

Very fun and addictive!!!

It has already been mentioned in survival mode, but with Noel there comes a time when it is impossible to advance because there are no more normal bombs.


Thanks for removing the ability to hold and throw bombs at a certain angle you piece of trash

Now it's no longer fun

one issue with late survival mode with noel or luna. if you max out on luck and your opponent's special bombs also don't explone you'll be in a soflock because none of you can throw bomb that can explode

It can happen from level 50/60 but the probability of having an enemy with a chance of 10 and a special bomb that does not explode is very low. I will fix this if it becomes a recurring problem, thank you!

This game is so fun and addictive!

I got a B rank in the end, playing as Polka, but surely with some more practice I'll get an S!

Great game!

Thank you for making this game, yes it is very cool. Congratulations to you and your helpers.

Thank you for making such an interesting game. Although the content is simple, the angle and power of fainting and bombing give depth to the battle, and I enjoyed it very much.

When the score obtained by stunning or defeating the enemy reaches a certain level, the character will not appear in the stage selection, the text after death will not be displayed, and the character's physical strength at the bottom of the UI will be stuck in the previous state. There were bugs such as

Thank you for playing, I will fix this issue asap!